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Lose Fat with Whole Fat - Why to Never Buy Non-Fat Dairy

Known records of humans consuming dairy goes back to the beginning of time. Past philosophers, such as Aristotle, have praised it for its great health benefits. Many of them made potent concoctions typically combining honey, herbs, and whole milk!

We’ve been led to believe that if you want to lose weight, non-fat or low-fat dairy is the better option, as it contains less calories! However, there has been new information about the benefits of full-fat dairy over its reduced-fat counterparts.


Studies have shown that full-fat dairy consumption compared to reduced-fat dairy intake has a significant difference in healthy body fat levels. These studies have been applied to both adults and children. Full-fat dairy provides a combination of many different bio actives, such as the unique fatty acid CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). CLA is a potent anti-oxidant, anti-carcinogen, and anti-catabolite, as well as a powerful immune system enhancer. It is known for its ability to burn fat and build muscle. In the long run, you are much less likely to become obese by consuming full-fat dairy.

Studies also show that there is up to 50% more Omega-3 fatty acids in full-fat dairy. This leads to lower systematic inflammation in the body, which can also have a positive effect for weight loss as well as support optimal brain and heart health.

Another important point to note is that the many beneficial vitamins and minerals in dairy are exclusively fat soluble and need the naturally present fat to efficiently deliver the vitamins to the body for proper absorption and utilization.


Full-fat dairy is the only way civilization has known it to be for thousands of years. Only recently the large mass production farms and feedlots have emerged, causing this imbalance of Omega-3 to Omega-6 ratios that cause inflammation in the body. The one sided Omega-6 ratios in low-fat dairy can contribute to further complications with diabetes and heart disease over time.

Most of all, full-fat dairy tastes better! Who doesn’t love a mocha or smoothie that’s made with whole milk? Or real butter on toast? The taste alone should convince dairy consumers to make the switch even easier.

Lastly, if you don't eat organic, one of the best things you can do is at least start by switching all of your dairy products to grass-fed organic. From the cows naturally grazing on pastures, their diet becomes rich in greens and their milk produces a natural balance of unique fatty acids and vitamins that would otherwise not be present in conventional dairy, and especially so in reduced or non-fat dairy.

Low-fat, reduced-fat, 1%, 2% …. Just say no and go Whole Fat!



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