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Heal Ear Infections in Two Easy Steps

Antibiotics are often prescribed for ear infections even though the American Academy of Pediatrics has not recommended this as a general practice since 2004. This is because many ear infections are actually caused by viruses, which are unaffected by antibiotics. Children throughout the country are unnecessarily taking antibiotics when these antibiotics are not even effective for the majority of ear infections. This is concerning because antibiotics can permanently alter gut flora and many types of bacteria are becoming antibiotic resistant due to the overuse of these drugs.

Research has shown that most children fight an ear infection on their own within 24-72 hours without the need for antibiotics or other intervention. However, to speed up healing and relieve the pain, these two steps work great for both adults and children:


Step 1. Garlic Oil

Garlic is naturally antimicrobial, antiviral, and antibacterial, making it beneficial for helping the body fight many types of infections. Putting a few drops of garlic oil in your ear several times a day works wonders. You can make your own garlic oil or use a pre-made product.

Here is a link to the pre-made garlic oil product I prefer:

After putting in a few drops of garlic oil into the ear to fight the infection, you then activate the oil and get immediate pain relief with Step 2.


Step 2. Salt Sock Therapy

What you need:

Cotton Sock

1 ½ Cup of Sea Salt or Himalayan Pink Salt


Pour the salt into the sock and tie it closed.

Warm a skillet on the stove over medium heat.

Place the sock in the pan and heat until the sock is warm to the touch.

Place the warm sock on the ear.

Place the sock over your ear and you will immediately feel the pain subside. The heat relieves pain and the salt will help draw out toxins and moisture from the ear. Salt is also an antiseptic and will speed up the healing process. The salt sock can be used many times until it discolors. Once discolored, it should be replaced.

It really is that simple!



It is important to make sure that the ear drum has not ruptured before using this remedy.

Be careful when applying salt sock to the ear of a child. Make sure it is not too hot.

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