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The Non-Toxic Way to Kill Germs

Germ-a-Clenz is a 100% natural germicide and antimicrobial spray. It kills germs, dust mites, bed bugs, mold, and mildew. I discovered it about ten years ago and fell in love.

Instead of using toxic air fresheners that are filled with chemicals and just mask the problem, Germ-a-Clenz actually disinfects and purifies. It is safe to use anywhere and on any surface. It is completely non-toxic, so you can use it around babies and pets. In fact, it is actually edible so you can use it to clean fruits and vegetables!


I literally use Germ-a-Clenz for everything.

Some reasons why I love it:

I use it to freshen up the air in my home, especially when someone is sick.

I spray new furniture and rugs to kill any germs and odors.

I always bring it on trips (I literally spray down the entire hotel room).

It works great for gym bags and basically anything that can't be thrown in the wash.

I spray my dog's bed to clean and keep bugs away.

I love its pure and earthy scent.

This is a product that I wish businesses everywhere would use!


You can buy it online and at random natural markets. Here is an Amazon link with one of the best prices available:

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