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Protein During Pregnancy

Protein is one of the most vital sources of nutrition during pregnancy to promote healthy growth and development. It has been noted that a pregnant woman should be consuming at least 70 to 100 grams of protein every day. I first learned this when I was about three months pregnant. I calculated how much protein I was consuming and realized I fell short at just about 40 grams a day. Right away I changed my diet and made sure to get the protein that my baby and I both needed.

Easy ways to boost your protein intake:

Protein shake. Protein shakes are a quick and easy way to get typically about 15-20 grams of protein. I recommend using a high quality grass-fed whey protein or an organic and non-gmo pea or rice protein. I typically stir my shakes and mix it with water, oat bran fiber, sunflower lecithin, and almond milk. If I have the time, I use my Vitamix and throw in things like frozen blueberries, spirulina, and a banana.

Protein bar. I normally eat at least one protein bar a day. It is the first thing that I eat in the morning, which for some reason really bothers my husband, I'm actually kind of addicted. I go through periods of only eating one brand, and that brand for a while now has been Macro bar's sunflower butter protein bar. It's an organic, non-gmo, and soy free vegan bar that has about 10 grams of protein per bar.

Eggs. One large egg is only about 6 grams of protein, however, eggs also have beneficial lecithin which is vital for a developing baby in the womb. When I was pregnant, the easiest way I found to get my eggs in is to make a large batch of hard boiled eggs and eat one for a snack and one before bed.

Beans. My husband and I are not vegetarians, however, we only eat meat about twice a week. Our typical dinners consist of mainly greens and beans. We love all types of beans from red, black, and pinto to lentil, mung, and black eyed peas. Beans are such a great source of protein and have wonderful nutritional value as well. An amount of protein per cup of beans is about 15 grams.

Meat. Speaking of meat, the only meat I would recommend for anyone is organic, grass-fed, and pasture raised. It is not only ethical to support farmers who treat their animals humanely, but it directly effects your health to consume meat that has been raised and treated in a healthy environment. One serving of steak is about 40 grams of protein. Don't forget everything counts. Even carbs have protein. I love bread, crackers, and chips, I eat them every single day, the difference is that I only eat sprouted grains. One slice of an organic sprouted grain bread, for example, has about 8 grams of protein, whereas a piece of typical white bread has about 2 grams. Sprouted grains also have high nutritional value, are easy on your digestive system, and provide healthy fats and omegas. Once you get into a routine and find what works for you, it actually becomes very easy to get the amount of protein needed for a healthy pregnancy.

Remember, only you know your body. If one type of protein doesn't make you feel right, try a different kind. Some people do better with animal sourced proteins, while others do better with plant sourced proteins. Both are great and both will give you and your baby amazing benefits!

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