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Increase Breast Milk with Oatmeal

For me, one of the easiest ways I have found to increase my milk supply is to eat a cup of oatmeal once a day.

Oatmeal is known as a comfort food. Eating comfort foods such as oatmeal, naturally release oxytocin and relaxin, which help stimulate breast milk production and helps with milk flow.

Oatmeal contains healthy levels of iron. Studies have shown that maternal anemia (low iron levels) can cause a decrease in milk supply, so oatmeal can be a great way to combat this.

Oatmeal also contains nutrients like beta-glucans, phytochemicals, protein, fiber, and carbohydrates, which will provide a more nourishing supply of milk for your baby.

I would only recommend to eat organic and non-gmo oats.

One of my favorite brands:

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